Air Travel

American Airlines Reschedule Flight Details You Need to Know Before Modifying Your Trip

Written by Jhony Dip · 1 min read >
American Airlines Reschedule Flight Details You Need to Know Before Modifying Your Trip

In the last couple of years, some changes were applied to American Airlines reschedule flight policies by this major carrier, regarding majority of domestic and certain international flights. Starting from November 2020, it eliminates all the fees for rescheduling or flight changing for all long-haul flights, with the exceptions of the entry-level economy tickets. Read this article further to discover more information about it.

As you may have known, plenty of airlines, including American Airlines, offer more flexibility to its customers during the coronavirus pandemic. A set of restrictions are loosen, which include reschedule and cancellation policies adjustment. As per current, here is the list of flight change policy made by American Airlines:

  • There is no American Airlines reschedule flight fee charged for the domestic, short-haul international, and some long-haul international flights for all ticket classes except basic economy
  • Basic economy flight ticket purchased on April 1, 2021 and afterwards cannot be rescheduled or refunded

It is such great and relieving news for travelers that they won’t need to dig their wallet to get American Airlines reschedule flight in most cases. The value of your current ticket can be used towards the new one. It is even possible to change the location origin or destination of your ticket. However, remember that you still need to pay the ticket fare increase if there’s any. In the opposite scenario where the fare of your new flight is lower than the previous one, then you can save the value difference to be used for your other flight.

This fee elimination policy adjustment does not apply if your location of origin is not within North America and South America. Despite that, the carrier gives reliefs for ticket purchased between April 1, 2021 and June 30, 2021 as long as your ticket is not a base economy class.

These flight change policy improvements made by the airline and other carriers offer many benefits for travelers. Plenty of airlines loosened their policies regarding flight rescheduling and cancellation significantly considering the current global pandemic situation to give some flexibility for their customers.

These benefits are applicable until there’s further notice about it. The fee elimination prevent you to spend hefty charge beyond the extensive list of other things such as baggage or Wi-Fi fees. You can make use of the provided advantages of American Airlines reschedule flight policies in case you need to postpone or change location details of your travel plan.

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